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How to make a play by Shakespeare offensive to yet another minority; this time dwarfs
Strange Facts About History's Famous Figures 😯
An ill-informed African criticises the queen and then realises that she has been a fool
Why the coronation is pointless nonsense but the monarchy, on the other hand, absolutely vital
Can gollies be a hate crime?
Imagine a country where only those belonging to the indigenous ethnicity can ever become citizens!
Snow White and the men of African heritage who are of average height
Is it racist or xenophobic to prefer to hear English being spoken on the streets of England?
John Cleese, Life of Brian, and how transsexualism has replaced Christianity as our state religion
The new Bethnal Green Museum of Childhood in London; did a black man really invent the view master?
The barefaced trickery and deception which lies at the heart of modern ‘anti-racism’
The grave of the Dambusters’ dog, which may not be named, is to be moved to accommodate immigrants